
Sleep like an Islander

Wake up to a bedroom that's as lively as a maritime celebration!

About PEIllowcases

Introducing PEILLOWCASE, a unique PEI souvenir. Crafted with high-quality materials and vibrant designs, these pillowcases add a touch of colour and nostalgia to your home decor, creating a cozy ambiance that lets you truly "Sleep like an Islander."


Whether you're an avid traveler or a dreamer seeking inspiration, PEILLOWCASE warmly welcomes you to create a personal connection with the picturesque landscapes of Prince Edward Island, all while enjoying a peaceful sleep that mirrors the tranquility of the island life. 


Let this meaningful souvenir carry the essence of your trip to PEI.


Made by PrintDesignMaritime.ca

PEI Fox pillowcase

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Hey, ever noticed those cool foxes all over PEI? They're like the island's free-roaming pals, dropping by whenever. Spring's all about those adorable fox cubs, and in winter, they're like walking orange flames against the snow. But, word of advice, don't try to give them a petting or a snack – they're the distant-friend kinda creatures. Still, check it: we've got this Fox PEILLOCASE, so you can keep your foxy pal right next to you.


Size 50 x 67 cm

Double-sided (picture on both sides)

100% cotton

Double seam


- machine wash

- cold / warm water

- no bleaching

Contact us

Would you like to have your own design for PEIllocases? Let's talk!

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Charlottetown, PEI

Phone: +1-902-314-6235

E-mail: printdesignmaritime@gmail.com